Thrifty Travel Guides

Travelling can get expensive if you are not conscious about where you are spending your money. To be honest, I am in general, a thrifty person :p . So this kind of mindset definitely helps us get the most of a place with the least amount of expense. That being said, I have seen many people struggle with planning a vacation economically which in turn discourages them to travel more. Why, take Sharath for example, had not imagined that he could travel to Big Island, Hawai’i with as little as $2200 for 4 days, for both of us! Sounds a bit exaggerated? Our thrifty travel guides below show you how you can do just that, save $$$.

More often I see that “research” is lacking when people plan a trip. We find that it is one of the MOST important aspect of travelling to a place. We research the length and breadth of the city/state/country we plan to visit (not at all exaggerating here). I spent about 2 weeks researching about Big Island, Hawai’i before booking anything. However, I understand that time nowadays is a luxury. What with weekdays being swept away with work and weekends with house chores, it can be hard to find the patience to research before travel. You will probably just want to get away from your monotonous life. However, here is the catch about research – spend more time on the internet for free and gain $$$ when you travel, and we are here to help you with that.

Our Thrifty travel guides, focus just on how thrifty you can get and yet enjoy your trip comfortably. All the travel guides we write are from our personal experience. Each travel guide is a blueprint of our minds (before it was just me and now Sharath has also joined the bandwagon) when we plan a trip. The questions we ask ourselves and the answers we find. 

I hope the thrifty travel guides below help you as much as it helped us! Keep travelling and exploring!

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