Welcome to Roamlikeus! We’re Ramya and Sharath, two travel enthusiasts who love exploring the world. Our blog is dedicated to sharing our adventures and tips for budget travel, so you can plan your own exciting journeys.

We’ve traveled to many places, from cities to countryside, beaches to mountains, and we’ve learned a lot along the way. We want to inspire you to travel and experience different cultures, and we share our insights on budget travel, packing, and cultural etiquette.

Our blog is for everyone, whether you’re an experienced traveler or a newbie. We cover hidden gems and popular tourist spots, so there’s something for everyone.

Join us on this adventure and let’s wanderlust together! Thank you for visiting our blog.



Hawaii, U.S.A
Alaska, U.S.A
Karnataka, India
Dubai, U.A.E
More Destinations, coming soon!

Travel gear & travel tales

Journey with us through our travel tales, get a peek into some of our adventurous trips and explore our travel gear which has saved us numerous times!

Thrifty Travel Guides

"Thrifty and Efficient" is our motto when we travel to new places. Checkout our travel guides which will get you the most with the least expense for your next destination!

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